Kinship Tables INternational
On this page are download links for PDFs for International Kinship Tables for Shire mares located in countries outside the UK and EIRE (see SPARKS UK section of the website for UK and EIRE mares, and Russia which is excluded).
There is also a download link for International Guidance Notes on using SPARKS. Please refer to these when using the Kinship Tables.
The stallions in the Tables are stallions that are approved by the Society. Mare owners are reminded that if a stallion is not approved, the Society will not be able to register the resulting progeny in the Breeding section of the Stud Book. Service certificates are also a requirement for registration. For any queries, contact
To help identify where horses are located, the International Kinship Tables identify three big Regions, named Australasia, Americas and Europe. The Australasia region is sub-divided to Australia and New Zealand. The Americas
region is sub-divided into the USA, Canada and South American countries. The Europe region is sub-divided into all other countries (except UK and EIRE). The countries are called Locations.
The International Kinship Tables are organised into PDF documents as follows:
Australia and New Zealand. This PDF includes mares and stallions in these countries. It also includes stallions in other non-UK countries.
For mares in all other countries (except UK and EIRE, and Russia), the Kinship Tables are organised into PDFs alphabetically by the mare’s prefix. For the mare you are interested in, please download the PDF that includes the first letter of her prefix. These Kinship Tables include stallions in non-UK/EIRE countries around the world.
Kinship Tables
Download Sparks Kinship Tables International and guidance notes below...