The Shire Horse Society 12 September 2024
By agreement of the Shire Horse Society’s Council, on the recommendation of the Editing Committee, a new grading register is being introduced into the Stud Book for 2024 onwards.
The new register, to be known as the Grade C Register, will add to the existing Grade A and Grade B Registers. These are unchanged.
In general, grading up is a way of helping preserve breeds of animal in a carefully controlled way. In our case, the A and B Registers do this by providing a route for female progeny from Shire-type mares and Clydesdale mares to ultimately enter the Full Stud Book, i.e. the pure-bred register.
The new Grade C Register is aimed at helping preserve quality in the physical characteristics of the Shire breed. It will give breeders additional options in their breeding programmes, including choice of stallions for their mares. At the same time, it is important to protect the genetic integrity of the Full Stud Book to safeguard the long-term health of the Shire breed. The new register balances these interests. It has been carefully considered and designed with appropriate controls in place.
The Grade C Register is for male progeny sired by Approved Shire Stallions out of Grade B mares.
Colts and stallions in Grade C will be subject to the same inspection and approval procedures that apply to pure-bred colts and stallions. Usual Service Book rules will also apply. Where Grade C males are approved, they remain as Grade C males for life, unless gelded. As with pure-bred Approved Stallions, they may be called for re-inspection at any time during their lifetime, should the Society deem this necessary.
Fillies and colts by Approved Grade C males out of pure-bred registered Shire mares will be eligible for registration in the Full Stud Book, subject to the usual conditions for Full Book registrations.
Any progeny, whether fillies or colts, by Approved Grade C males out of Grade A or Grade B mares will not be eligible for the pure-bred register or any of the Grading registers. They will only be eligible for the Non-Breeding Register.
The Grade C Register will be closely monitored by the Editing Committee.
The Grade C Register is now open for registration of colts born in 2024 out of Grade B mares by Approved Shire Stallions. The register is not open to any males born before 2024 (i.e. there will be no retrospective registrations into this register). The usual deadline for registrations applies. This year’s deadline is 31 October 2024.
Information on showing Grade C males will follow in another announcement later this year.
For any queries, contact the Society’s office 01536 771611 or
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